
Thursday 15 December 2016

taking action project

In this project I was working with Taylor, Brooke, Kyla and Grace and we decided to create a role play about Parliament

Here is a link what we made.

In this project we decided that our success criteria were: 
A good script to read from while recording
A clear and loud voice
Good facial expressions
Time management 

Overall our project met this criteria because we had a script, we all used clear and loud voices, had good facial expressions, confidence and good time management
Attachments area

Friday 25 November 2016

Treaty of Waitangi


This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship.

Three things that I learned are NZ parliament are:

  • That Patsy Reddy is the Governor-general
  • That Andrew Little is the leader of the opposition
  • John Key has been kicked out of parliament by the speaker

Thursday 24 November 2016

Te Reo, Term 4 2016

This term we have been learning all about the Marae. We have learned that…….

  • The Marae is an important focal point for the community.
  • The Marea is a place where tradition and customs can be carried out.
  • The Marae is a place where people can express their values with dignity.
  • There are many kawa ( protocols) that prevail on the marae.
  • Marae kawa (protocols) can differ between maraes and iwi.

We have focussed on some key concepts when doing this learning.
These are listed and explained in the table below.

Definition -
give the meaning of these concepts in your own words.
The Maori way of doing things 
Welcomed onto the marae 
Tangata whenua
Local Maori people 
A visitor to a marae 
Gives you a home on the marae and gives you rights 
Family connection and a sense of belonging 
Caring for others 

See this video for an explanation of the roles and responsibilities of people on a marae.

Something I would like to learn more about the marae is see a marae

Thursday 6 October 2016

Excellence Evidence- Can do- Student Council #7

On Wednesday I had student council
I made sure that I turned up to it on time and had everything I needed.

The first thing we did at student council was take the roll and then we reminded everyone about the rules and not speaking unless you have the talking piece. 

Today we talked about possible ideas for the playgrounds at Oaklands in the future.  Some of ideas that the group thought of were: having a water fountain on the field instead of having to go all the way back towards the classrooms when thirsty, having a more colourful playground, Having an outdoor learning centre with tables and chairs under shade, a rope climb, a spiderweb and a giant slide that leads to a ball pit.  These ideas were all listed down for Mrs Trotter to take back to the education brief team.

The care value I showed was active thinking as we had to think hard about what would make the playground more exciting, but also practical.   I also was being a good reole model  because I was listening to others and showing respect, and helping run the meeting.

Excellence Evidence- Can do- Student Council #6

On Wednesday I had student council
I made sure that I turned up to it on time and had everything I needed.

The first thing we did at student council was take the roll and then we reminded everyone about the rules and not speaking unless you have the talking piece. 

The first thing we talked about was possible names for the school in the future again because we didnt really know what else we were suppose to talke about, and Mrs Trotter wasnt there to guide us. Some of the possible names that were mentioned from other classes were Ti Kouka School (cabbage tree),Harakeke school (Flax)  becuase the area use to have a lot of cabbage trees and flax bushes and they are culturally significant to the area.  Also things like Pavalova Schoo, Kiwi School, Westlake school.  However most also thought that the current name was the post appropriate. 

After that we talked about the homework which was going to be out of those names which did we like the best.   The class reps were to take the ideas back to their classrooms to ask.

The care value I showed was active thinking as we had to come up with an agenda on the spot for the meeting.  I also was being a good reole model  because I was listening to others and showing respect, and helping run the meeting.